Pioneers In locally processed Fabirc for industry
N.N Marketing was formed on 23" July 1998 with the patronage of Mr.Nishantha Fernando with a
staff force of 8 members. Today we have 29 Staff Members and the Top Management has added 01
more director,
Ms. Romain Deleya Fernando, strengthening its managerial status.
At the inception, N.N.Marketing stood as a 'Sub Contractor' for M/s Ravi Industries, M/s Inuka Thawshi, Regit (Pvt) Ltd., Alliance Five (Pvt) Ltd. and M/s Dizen Industries In 2007, N.N.Marketing took it's la step in the road to development by joining with Benson Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. to export 'Thawashi brand' brushes to Taiwan.
In 2009, N.N.Morketing stood on it's own and
made the r shipment to Taiwan
N.W.Marketing progressed from then onwards and captured Foreign buyers one by one. Accordingly in 2013, the r shipment to Malaysia was effected.
N.N.Marketing (Pvt) Ltd. would not have been in where it Is today if not for its local and overseas customers. Also it would not have grown upto this level if it had not maintained its quality status of the products manufactured.
We can extend our sincere thanks to all these individuals only by treating them with respect and faith. Our growth would not have been designed creatively and innovatively if not for heeding to their suggestions and criticisms.
Hence, N.N.Marketing (Pvt) Ltd. vows to maintain integrity, honesty and business ethics through out, into all aspects of our business functioning for a foreseeable future.
Our Goal
To maximize the assets and investments of the Company to support the development of the Organization and extend the benefit to our Customers.